Two:Design is a London based independent creative design consultancy founded in 1997. We work with national and international clients in the private and public sector, providing a multi-disciplinary full service agency approach which specialises in Creative Direction, Brand Creation and Management, Brand Identity and as global Brand Guardians.
Preferring to take a 360 degree approach, we have decades of experience in handling communication and marketing activity from concept to delivery across every form of media. The studio offers specialist experience, understanding and expertise in brand management and policing licensees across multiple territories to create a cohesive global brand and product experience for consumers and stakeholders.
We are comfortable working at board level with international brands, NGO’s and departments as a lead agency, or as part of a roster.
Communication & Technology
Agile Media/British Telecommunications PLC, IBC Conferences, The Worldwide Bluetooth™ Congress.
Music, Games & Film Entertainment
Sony BMG Entertainment including Columbia, Epic, Ovum, Sony Urban, Sony International, Work Records, Columbia Tristar Pictures, Warner Music UK, EMI Music UK, RuffHouse/Trimedia LLC, 10past12 Records London, Fat Wreck Chords USA, Pizza of Death Records Japan, Cigale Entertainment, MTV UK & Ireland, Atari/Reflections Games.
Retail, Interiors & Packaging
JafflePie, Liberty Menswear London, SELLS Goalkeeper Products, Sony BMG Entertainment, Spencer Hart Clothing.
Performance Clothing & Fashion
SELLS Goalkeeper Products, Valsport, Kangol, Karrimor, Merrill, Wolverine footwear, Spencer Hart Tailors (London, New York & LA), Liberty Menswear London, Memo.co.uk
Manufacturing, Engineering, Product Design & Architecture
Max Autosport, D4 Display UK and North America, Michael Dowd Architectural Associates, JLA Architects.
Professional Services & Organisations
The British Wind Energy Association, 3 Temple Gardens Barristers.
Public Sector, Charity & Not-for-profit
IPPR, Lichfield District Council, The Lichfield Garrick Theatre, The Lichfield Music Festival, The Lichfield Book Festival, B3 Media/23:59/Nubian Tales Brixton, Charitext.com, RenéCassin.org
If you wish to talk to us about a project and see a short presentation of relevant work please contact: +44 (0)20 8275 8594
Happy creatives make great work with happy clients as a result, however this does mean sometimes we can’t take your call straight away.
Two:Design has been featured in numerous design articles and publications, notably:
British Design 2003-2004 and British Design 2007-2008 (BIS - Holland)
Cool Type Two (Northern Light Books - USA)
The Science of Music Icons (Brazen Publishing - Singapore)
plus 81 magazine (D.D.Wave - Japan)
Design Week and Creative Review (both Centaur - UK)
We received a BPI award in 1998 for artist work with Will Smith for Sony/Columbia Records.
E.magazine Shift commented:
“The work of this small London studio is spot on”.
We do:
We are available for interview and comment about design, visual culture and technology please contact: comment@twodesign.net
When our schedule allows, we continue our long term commitment to education at under- and post-graduate level having participated in numerous teaching programs notably at Central St. Martins and the London College of Communication, part of the University of the Arts, London. We can be booked for future lectures and seminars given a minimum of one months notice.
We are proud to be members of the British Design Initiative, the Chartered Society of Designers and the Federation of Small Businesses.
We don’t:
Free pitch - we do not take part in any unpaid pitch work.
Buy media space - we leave that to experts who we work with.
Allow studio visits - we can save you time by visiting you. We prefer to keep the work we do under wraps until the clients want it seen.
Offer internships - we did, we got let down, we don’t do it any more, maybe in the future.
Studio & Registered Office
Two:Design, Studio 45, Hampstead House MBE Business Centre,
176 Finchley Road, London, NW3 6BT, England, UK.